Movie made in Palestine, on the basis of the following story:
The way they live and express them, and they create differences in their livelihood and color
Their gender, language, beliefs, talents, culture, identities, and abilities
Mentality to perceive and visualize issues, so why would we be shocked if someone expressed what?
In himself in a way different from what we are used to?
Because each of us believes that his method is the correct one and that he is the one who is right
Based on what he was brought up, and on what he lived and lived through in his life. and surely
Those who differ from him, whether by their language, race, gender, or skin color
Who is wrong. There are many examples that express the difference
Like the class difference in societies and that the people of the upper class are
Opinion holders and right holders, in addition to the gender discrimination that continues
Women suffer from it in some societies, and many similar events
The racial character that the world is witnessing …
People also differ in the shape, color and type of their clothes, and they differ in their stature
They build their homes, and differ in their education and interests. Difference is nature
They are rooted in humans as early as time, but what is unacceptable is a lack of acceptance
The other who is different from us and not giving him a chance to express his thoughts, opinions or
To justify his position for any reason.
Accepting the other who is different from us is not just a slogan we use, it is a culture
It is a great, and a commendable virtue, so accepting it means listening to it and living with it
And thus benefit from it, which will be reflected in the development of ourselves
And constantly to accept the difference
And our personalities so we have to always work.
Between us and around us first.