Poster made in Lithuania, on the basis of the following story:
On 2015, When the terrorist group ‘ISIS’ showed up, One of the family members/my cousin left the military and his patriotic duty and joinedISIS, and as a result of that, the freedom of the family was violated, especially for my brother my brothers and other cousins in various fields, including the right to work and the right of religious duty to go to the mosque due to the impact of society on their reputation during That period, in addition to their right to travel “under the item of a travel ban.”
During this period, all media were talking about ISIS, M yfamily member were asked and monitored from private parties for what they post on social media, and they were investigated about what they were publishing, such as a political or religious situation, or even about the grievances they faced during their lives.
As a result, they were prevented from publishing their ideas and adhering to what pleases them and also on the personal level. I was prevented by my family from publishing my opinion during that period of one of the bombs happened in the country, and asked at 3 AM to delete the post for fear of being questioned.